We at Falcon’s Eye Roofing & Construction specialize in helping homeowners navigate through the wind and hail damage claims process. We are not claiming to be adjusters, nor do we work for the insurance companies. We are independent licensed contractors who specialize in helping homeowners get their own independent estimate to compare to the insurance companies’ estimate. This helps to compare apples to apples or apples to oranges.

Free roof inspections

We recommend that before the homeowner calls in a claim have a professional inspection. Never assume you have the required damage for full replacement because your neighbor’s house was approved. Always ask to see pictures of any damage being inspected on your roof by that inspector. It’s also important to know if one elevation or more elevations were affected. As a homeowner you will need as much vital information in making the decision to call in that claim. Remember, if you call in a claim and there is little to no damage it may cause a denial and the possibility of your insurance rates to go up. Get pictures and have that inspector give you a written report, it is highly recommended you do not go off a verbal report. Have the contractor put the noted damage in writing for you. Go over the pictures and have them validate their findings of why they believe it is a good idea to report a claim.

Independent estimates

Your claims estimate is very important when evaluating the extent of damage to your place of business or home. Independent estimates are the only means of finding overlooked damage. Insurance adjusters can scope up to several claims in a single day. It is possible but not intentional to miss some damage. During storm season, they can get very busy. This is why your adjuster leaves open any additional damage to be noted with pictures of additional (damage) supplements. Any contractor can bill for code supplements. Homeowners should want a contractor that will sweep through the entire property and find all the damage without having to look at the adjusters estimate. This of course will take time. On average, Falcon’s Eye Estimators spend 2-3 times longer (scoping) finding damage caused by the storm. However, finding all damage requires a commitment in time and (Falcon’s Eye) focus in getting it right for the homeowner.

Giving estimates to contractors

As roofing contractors, we would never recommend the homeowner give the adjusters estimate to the contractor. When the adjuster has completed his or her estimate within a certain amount of time to estimate damages. An example, if the adjuster has seven claims to do a day, they may not be the most extensive. If the contractor is working for the homeowner, then they should easily have the time to get all the noted damages, reports, pictures and their independent estimate to the homeowner and adjuster. It’s not just about the roof. It’s about the roof, siding, windows, painting, gutters, mailbox, shed, personal contents, and everything else that may have been damaged.

Paying your contractor

Some contractors may ask for money up front before any material has been delivered. Be very careful about working with contractors who are out of state and set up temporary satellite offices. It is a really good idea to work with local contractors. More than likely you have heard horror stories about monies, materials, or job issues. Be very careful about giving that first full check issued to you by the insurance company without a material delivery of work being started.

Liability / Workman’s Comp Insurance

Making sure that the contractor you are working with is insured goes without saying. Protect yourself by knowing that if anything happens to you your property, family, neighbors, contractor and or their employees you are insured from any potential damage or injury.